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Agnosticism believers are brave and independent thinkers. Brave because agnosticism is stigmatized in predominantly religious societies. Agnosticism believers are thinkers because they have not simply acquiesced to faiths and beliefs handed to them by others, nor have they dismissed altogether the notion of a creator. Agnosticism believers have critically evaluated the institutional religious beliefs of society and chosen a view they believe to be more intellectually honest.

Believers of agnosticism are confident in their position of uncertainty because they find the alternative, a belief in an anthropomorphic God who writes books absurd on its face. Indeed, no one has seen God and no one can prove the creator of the universe wrote a book.

Agnosticism believers often come to their position because they believe the Bible, if read with an open mind, proves to be inaccurate, contradictory, and unethical. Agnosticism believers then conclude that a God who has written such a book is unworthy of belief. Nonetheless, they do not deny the possibility of another sort of God, say, a non-best-selling author kind, they just don't think they can come to any certainty about it.

Further justifying agnosticism is the fact that those who follow religions and holy books do not always seem to be of the highest moral character. History is stained with the blood of millions shed in the name of God. Torture, murder, racism, sexism, incest, pedophilia, polygamy, slavery, greed, supremacism, and oppression have always been part and parcel of religions. Believers of agnosticism reason that if religion can advocate and justify such behavior, they want no part of it or its God.

Agnosticism believers also reflect on history and realize that religion has been an impediment to progress. For centuries science was hamstrung because clerics insisted that the Bible, not observation, experiment, reason, and evidence was the only truth.

However, contrary to their attitude of doubt, most agnosticism believers embrace evolution. This is because they believe it to be scientific and proven. Thus, characteristically, supporters of agnosticism believe life can spring from inorganic materials and then ascend and culminate in man. All that is needed are the natural forces of mutation and natural selection. If the agnosticism can be accounted for by chance and natural causes, then he (non gender in these writings) finds little reason to introduce a superfluous God into the reason for existence equation.

A thinking agnosticism believer must not fall prey to the very sort of thinking and bigotry that repulses him from religion. No belief, even agnosticism, is safe and secure. Discovery is endless. A belief that stops the search is the most dangerous of all beliefs.

Believers of agnosticism must be true to their uncertainty and remain open, not committed in the same way religionists or atheists embrace belief and faith. Skepticism means that anything might be wrong, but also that anything might be right. An open mind may create agnosticism; it must also be allowed that it may create knowing.

Agnosticism believers cannot do what they condemn: having faith in a belief and ending inquiry. The two underlying presuppositions of agnosticism–religions represent the creator of the universe; evolution is true– must be examined with vigor. Just because it is popularly believed that religions and holy books represent God, does not mean they do. Just because most scientists contend that evolution is true, does not mean that it is. These premises need careful examination. This site will provide the resources to do that.

A difficult hurdle for some believers of agnosticism is to agree that there is such a thing as truth. But an agnosticism believer's ability to know truth has nothing to do with its existence. Reason demands that underneath everything there is a truth regarding its origin and present state.

When people formulate a basic definition of God, science, atheism, or agnosticism, they attempt to approach the ultimate truth. Thus truth, reality, science, and God (in a nonreligious sense) are, in terms of intent, really just different words for the same thing. From this standpoint, all of us, including believers of agnosticism and atheism, are God seekers since the truth aspired to is the same thing as God. All of it boils down to semantics. Once God is separated from religious notions about what or who He is, as if He were a personified entity, He (truth, reality) can come to be known.

A deep thinking agnosticism believer must separate man-made notions of truth (and God) from the absolute truth that underlies reality. Religious and holy book Gods are man made, and may or may not have anything at all to do with truth. Truth may also have nothing to do with the inferences drawn from the man-made sciences and secularism.

Imprisoning God in holy books prevents religious seekers from finding truth outside of their texts. Such paper, ink, and author reverence is a form of idolatry. Imprisoning the mind with evolution can be considered a form of materialistic/Darwinian idolatry as well.

For many, "truth" is just a place people go when they get tired of thinking. But an honest seeker, religionist, or believer of agnosticism must not tire in the search. Before that search begins, a believer of agnosticism must wipe the slate clean not only of religious assumptions, but of materialistic/evolutionary ones as well. Everything must be on the table at some point in order to erect an understanding that is free of assumptions and focused only on the pursuit of truth...

Believers of agnosticism must admit that science does not provide fundamental answers to the questions of existence and ultimate origins. All evolutionary stories begin by stealing matter, energy, and natural laws, with no explanation of or tribute to their original owner.

An agnosticism believer, after reading a book on evolution, yells up to God, "There's nothing to this creation thing at all God." God replies, "Oh really, let's see you do it." The believer of agnosticism responds, "First you start with some natural laws and dust..." God interrupts, "Hold on there, get your own laws and dust."

Agnosticism believers who end their search with materialism and evolution will find in the resources on this website challenges to these assumed truths. For example, it is naïve for a believer of agnosticism to assume that matter is the beginning and end of reality, given the facts of quantum physics.

Putting aside organized religions and their anthropomorphized God is only the first step for an open minded agnosticism believer. Putting aside the ordinary beliefs about matter and its abiogenic and evolutionary capabilities is the next step. Only then can the mind become free to truly explore the great questions of where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going?

Surprisingly, the answers to these questions do not lie within the framework of either religious or materialistic beliefs. They lie within our own minds if we will simply think freely, bend to the evidence, use reason, and keep the search for truth as the only science and religion worthy of us.